• CBC, ESR, Lipid Profile, KFT
The Hypertension-BP-Stress package aims to reduce health-related complications and lower associated risks. It also acts as a preventive measure against severe consequences like heart and kidney damage, enabling you to lead a healthy and longer life.
1. Hypertension Monitoring - Regular monitoring of individuals with a history of hypertension or those actively managing high blood pressure levels.
2. Cardiovascular Health Concerns - Assessment of cardiovascular health, including key indicators such as lipid levels and kidney function.
3. Routine Health Check for Hypertension Individuals - seeking a routine health check specifically focused on blood pressure and overall well-being.
4. Preventive Health Measures - Early detection and management of potential cardiovascular issues for those interested in preventive health care.
5. Kidney Function Monitoring - Monitoring kidney function for individuals with a history of kidney issues or those wanting to assess renal health.