• CBC, ESR, Cholesterol Profile, LFT, KFT, eGFR, Urine R/M
Vital Pro Screening Package is designed for individuals, offering a thorough examination of key health parameters. Whether for general wellness, cardiovascular or liver health, kidney function, protein balance, diabetes monitoring, or bone health, this screening package provides valuable insights for individuals proactively managing their health.
1. General Health Check - Comprehensive overview of overall health and well-being for individuals seeking a holistic health assessment.
2. Preventive Health - Measures Proactive health management and identification of potential health issues before they become more severe.
3. Chronic Disease Monitoring - Regular monitoring of organ function, particularly for individuals with chronic conditions like liver or kidney disease.
4. Cardiovascular Health - Concerns Assessment of cardiovascular health through the Cholesterol Profile, providing insights into lipid levels.
5. Renal Function Monitoring - Monitoring kidney function for individuals with a history of kidney issues or those wanting to assess renal health.
6. Inflammatory Conditions - Relevance for individuals with suspected inflammatory conditions, as indicated by the inclusion of ESR.
7. Routine Health Check for Adults - Comprehensive health assessment for adults of varying ages, supporting preventive and wellness goals.